Kairos (ariel view) Center for Symbolic Studies,Tillson, NY 1993

Installation on field 200′ x 100′ yellow ribbon, 15′ wigwam, 10′ metal sculpture, table/benches Tillson, NY

Ceremony ended in wigwam with 2 interfaith ministers, four musicians with original songs, candle lighting

Skylight cutout in roof of wigwam and interior at end of the evening ceremony, fabric, clay, sand, candles

KAIROS: wearable art symbol for ceremony celebrating life cycles: maiden, mother, crone
Arts on the Bridge: Wallkill Valley Rail Trail overhead flag quilt

Arts on the Bridge: artists quilt installed on pedestrian bridge over the Wallkill River, Ulster County, NY

Arts on the Bridge: Jean Tansey (1 of 2) 4’X4′ nylon and mesh integrated into artists’ hanging flag quilt

Flying Woman, arts on the bridge quilt square, nylon fabric on mesh, Arts on the Bridge, Rosendale, NY
Peace Park arts celebration

Tumbling through Space, mirror, mesh, black flannel on frame installation Peace Park, New Paltz, NY

Detail interior of Tumbling the Space of figure reflected on mirror with sky, Peace Park, New Paltz, NY
Peace Park arts celebration

I can see you, installation; cloth, acrylic paint on armature with mirrors, Peace Park, New Paltz, NY

I See You, detail of reflected image of infinite mirror effect inside earth element, Peace Park, New Paltz, NY

Protest costume in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” at In the Mood Gallery, Kingston, NY

Not in My Name, Washington, DC
I dreamt I could Fly: 3 piece installation, Kingston, NY

“I dreamt I was Flying” aluminum cutout, Block Park, Kingston Sculpture Biennial, Kingston, NY

“I dreamt I could Fly” cast aluminum figure suspended between two trees, Block Park, Kingston, NY

“I dreamt I could Fly” box with mirror and drawing reflecting sky, Block Park, Kingston, NY
Art along the Rail Trail

Art Along the Rail Trail, 6 invisible circles with dancers’ drawings, hanging in the woods, Rosendale, NY
Artist Bus Shelter Concepts: Kingston Sculpture Biennial A.S.K. NY

Studio shot, from back of bus stop work in progress, metal armature, covered with burlap and acylic paint with interior drawing behind acrylic paint on black paper, showing a person to scale inside bus stop


Figures in Space, Installation, (detail) acrylic/paper, 1-person show @Creative Space Co-op, Rosendale, NY

Liz & Ethan, 60″x36″ acrylic/canvas, 1-person show, Sojourner Truth Library SUNY campus, New Paltz, NY

Icons of Society

Icons of Society, wood, fabric, metal mesh, cotton, acrylic paint, Women in the Arts, Unison, New Paltz, NY

Icons of Society: Commonwealth, Homeless (detail) Women in the Arts @Unison, New Paltz, NY

Miniature Icons of Society, Women in the Arts @Unison, New Paltz, NY

Miniature House: Icons of Society, wood, metal, fabric, acrylic paint, thread, Unison, NP, NY

Untitled, wood, paint, metal mesh, fabric 54″x 36″
American Dream Project

American dream, public interaction and collection of comments, World Peace Day, Amenia, NY
Cycle of life

Cycle of Life, installation apples, mason jars, fabric, acrylic on canvas, SUNY, New Paltz, NY

Cycle of life, detail: gesture drawing painted and molded cotton duck canvas
Celebration of the Arts C.O.T.O. annual arts street festival 2010

Village Celebration of the Arts C.O.T.A, acrylic paint/fabric, PVC, wire; interactive mobile, New Paltz, NY

Mandala Flowers, acryl on board, rail trail art, New Paltz, NY